Quick view Compare Endocrinpath by Energetix 2 oz (59.1 ml) Energetix $32.00 Endocrinpath is a homeopathic combination formula for symptoms related to the endocrine system, particularly the HPA axis (hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal) and the HPT axis (hypothalamus-pituitary-thyroid). The formula contains...
Quick view Compare Circulopath by Energetix 2.0 oz. (59.1 ml) Energetix $32.00 Circulopath is a homeopathic combination formula for the circulatory system. Including the heart, the circulatory system is an impressive network of 60,000 miles of blood vessels, from the tiniest capillaries that nourish the eyes to the vital vena cavae...
Quick view Compare Adaptopath by Energetix 2 oz (59.1 ml) Energetix $32.00 ADAPTOPATH by Energetix 2 oz (59.1 ml) Adaptopath is a homeopathic combination formula for symptoms related to the absorption of nutrients and utilization of oxygen. Many practitioners find this formula to be invaluable when symptoms indicate...
Quick view Compare THROAT SPRAY TONE by Energetix 2 oz. (59.1 ml) Energetix $32.00 THROAT SPRAY TONE by Energetix 2 oz. (59.1 ml) Throat Spray Tone is a homeopathic combination spray for irritated throats and hoarseness. The formula is designed to provide both immediate soothing and long-term relief for throat...
Quick view Compare Vac-Chord by Energetix 2oz (59.1 ml) Energetix $32.00 VAC-CHORD by Energetix 2oz. (59.1 ml) Vac-Chord is a homeopathic combination formula for symptoms which may appear after inoculation. The symptoms may be acute or long-standing.For symptoms such as diarrhea, constipation, agitation,...
Quick view Compare THYRO-CHORD by Energetix 2oz. (59.1 ml) Energetix $32.00 THYRO-CHORD by Energetix 2oz. (59.1 ml) Thyro-Chord is a homeopathic combination formula for symptoms related to the toxic load of the thyroid. The thyroid gland is a vitally important hormonal gland that plays an essential role in the metabolism,...
Quick view Compare RENA-CHORD by Energetix 2 oz (59.1 ml) Energetix $32.00 RENA-CHORD by Energetix 2 oz (59.1 ml) Rena-Chord is a homeopathic combination formula for symptoms related to toxic load of the kidneys. The skin is sometimes referred to as the "third kidney". Because of this relationship, skin symptoms are...
Quick view Compare Neuro-Chord by Energetix 2 oz. (59.1 ml) Energetix $32.00 Neuro-Chord is a homeopathic combination formula for symptoms related to the toxic load of the nervous system. A healthy nervous system ensures effective communication and control for the body’s internal environment, and neurons, being high in fat,...
Quick view Compare Lipo-Chord by Energetix 2 oz. (59.1 ml) Energetix $32.00 Lipo-Chord is a homeopathic combination formula for symptoms associated with toxic load of fatty tissues. Chemicals and heavy metals have an affinity for lipid-dense areas of the body such as breast and prostate. For symptoms such as abdominal...
Quick view Compare HZ-Chord by Energetix 2 oz. (59.1 ml) Energetix $32.00 HZ-Chord is a homeopathic combination formula for symptoms related to exposure to viruses, generally through personal contact. The symptom picture relates primarily to skin concerns, though there may also be symptoms related to the nervous system. For...
Quick view Compare Hepata-Chord by Energetix 2 oz. (59.1 ml) Energetix $32.00 Hepata-Chord is a homeopathic combination formula for symptoms related to the toxic load of the liver. Many factors may contribute to this including alcohol usage, exposure to chemicals, viruses, and parasites. For symptoms such as abdominal discomfort,...
Quick view Compare Gyne-Chord by Energetix 2 oz. (59.1 ml) Energetix $32.00 Gyne-Chord by Energetix 2 oz. (59.1 ml) Gyne-Chord is a homeopathic combination formula for symptoms related to toxic load of the female reproductive system. The symptoms may occur as a result of environmental, lifestyle, emotional, and...
Quick view Compare Dental-Chord by Energetix 2oz (59.1 ml) Energetix $32.00 Dental-Chord is a homeopathic combination formula for symptoms related to toxic load from dental procedures or the use of dental materials. The symptoms may be recent or long-standing. For symptoms such as pain and swelling in the jaw area, face, or...
Quick view Compare Amoeba-Chord by Energetix 2 oz. (59.1 ml) Energetix $32.00 Amoeba-Chord by Energetix 2 oz. (59.1 ml) Amoeba-Chord is a homeopathic combination formula for symptoms related to the presence of waterborne parasites. The symptoms may be recent or long-standing.For symptoms such as abdominal pain, diarrhea,...
Quick view Compare Agri-Chord by Energetix 2 0z. (59.1 ml) Energetix $32.00 Agri-Chord by Energetix 2 0z. (59.1 ml) Agri-Chord is a homeopathic combination formula for symptoms related to exposure to agricultural chemicals such as herbicides and pesticides. The exposure may be recent or long-standing.For symptoms such as...
Quick view Compare Core Valerian by Energetix 2 oz. (59.1 ml) Energetix $32.00 Core Valerian by Energetix 2 oz. (59.1 ml) Core Valerian is a botanical extract designed to support the body during occasional sleeplessness or nervous tension. Valerian helps maintain a sense of calm during periods of anxiousness...
Quick view Compare Core St. John's Wort by Energetix 2 oz. (59.1 ml) Energetix $32.00 Core St. John's Wort by Energetix 2 oz. (59.1 ml) Core St. John's Wort is a botanical extract formulated to assist with the maintenance of normal serotonin levels. St. John’s Wort also helps support normal neuroendocrine function...
Quick view Compare Core Scrofulara Blend by Energetix 2 oz. (59.1 ml) Energetix $32.00 Core Scrofulara Blend by Energetix 2 oz. (59.1 ml) Core Scrofulara Blend is a botanical blend designed to help support normal lymphatic function. This formula contains Chinese herbs and also helps maintain normal function of the spleen...
Quick view Compare Core Saw Palmetto Blend by Energetix 2 oz. (59.1 ml) Energetix $32.00 Core Saw Palmetto Blend by Energetix 2 oz. (59.1 ml) Core Saw Palmetto Blend is a botanical blend designed to help maintain normal reproductive function. It also helps support normal urinary tract and prostate function. Ingredients:Saw...
Quick view Compare Core Sarsaparilla by Energetix 2 oz. (59.1 ml) Energetix $32.00 Core Sarsaparilla by Energetix 2 oz. (59.1 ml) Core Sarsaparilla is a botanical extract formulated to assist with maintaining normal skin health, hormone balance, and reproductive function. In sarsaparilla, there are phytochemicals known as saponins,...