SP Green Food, providing phytonutrients from organic whole food-based sources including alfalfa, Brussels sprouts, and kale, is a simple way to supplement the diet.* Promotes healthy liver function*...
Zymex promotes a healthy pH range in the intestinal tract.* Encourages a healthy intestinal environment to support a healthy GI microbiome Supports healthy intestinal pH* Nutrients & Ingredients...
Congaplex is used for support of the immune system.* • Supports healthy immune system response function* • Supports the thymus gland* • Contains ribonucleic acid, which the body uses for protein...
Immuplex is a daily supplement supporting a healthy immune system response through a blend of essential micronutrients & minerals, & contains specialized extracts.* Supports the immune...
Multizyme is a pancreatic enzyme supplement that contains digestive enzymes, including bromelain, amylase, and lipase. Supports the normal breakdown of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats* Supports the...
SP Cleanse combines 20 unique whole food and botanical ingredients designed to support the body's normal toxin-removal processes.* Preclinical evidence demonstrates ingredients in SP Cleanse: Supports healthy kidney, liver, and gallbladder function* Supports processes involved in healthy digestive function* Helps regulate pathways in the body's natural toxin-elimination function* Nutrients & Ingredients Each Serving Size (7 Capsules) contains: Calories 10, Total Carbohydrate 2 g, Choline 30 mg, Iron 0.5 mg. Proprietary Blend 2,680 mg: Juniper (berry) powder, organic red clover (aerial parts) powder (Trifolium pratense), apple pectin, burdock (root) powder, milk thistle extract (80% silymarins), dandelion (leaf), organic barley (grass), organic beet (root), fenugreek (seed), Oregon grape (root) powder, organic cayenne pepper (Capsicum annuum), organic Spanish black radish (root), globe artichoke (leaf), inositol, fennel (seed), organic cordyceps mushroom powder, broccoli (aerial parts), collinsonia (root) organic kale (aerial parts), organic sweet potato, and organic carrot. Other Ingredients: Cellulose, choline bitrate, water, and calcium stearate* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. ♱ Claims based on traditional homeopathic practice, not accepted medical evidence. Not FDA evaluated.
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