Homeopathic Relaxation Drainage, Tonification & Support
Concentrated Homeopathic Milieu Tincture (2 oz.)
Dosage: One full dropper 2x daily in warm water, or as directed
Traditionally Supports:
Calcarea Carbonica 12X, Coffea cruda 12X, Humulus Lupulus 1X, 3X, Ignatia Amara 12X, Kali Phosphoricum 12X, 30CH, Moschus 12X, Nux Vomica 12X, Passiflora Incarnata 1X, 3X, Phosphatidyl Choline 6X, Phosphorus 6X, Pulsatilla Nigricans 12X, Staphysagria 12X, Valeriana Officinalis 1X, 3X, Star of Bethlehem 200CH, Reverse osmosis water 68%, Kosher glycerine from palm/or coconut oil 20%, Ethanol 12%
*These statements have not been evaluated be the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease