Multivitamin Without Beta-Carotene or Alpha-Tocopherol.ProThrivers Wellness Multivitamin is a combination of nutrients that safely support the health of thrivers.* A unique and important aspect of this formula is what it does not contain. ProThrivers Wellness Multivitamin does not contain beta-carotene, alpha-tocopherol, copper, or boron.This formulation includes active forms of nutrients to support overall health and energy metabolism*. Studies indicate that thrivers benefit from taking a daily multivitamin and minerals supplement.1,2About ProThrivers WellnessThe ProThrivers line of products has been specifically designed with the guidance of Lise Alschuler, ND, FABNO, a respected naturopath for 20 years and an expert in thriver care. Her present clinical focus is on addressing the needs of this specific population of thrivers using evidence-informed strategies. In addition, Dr. Alschuler is a thriver herself and uses her own experience to better understand their unique challenges. Poole EM, Shu X, Caan BJ. Br Can Res and Treat. 2013: 139, 529–37. Accessed at http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23660948 Wassertheil-Smoller S, McGinn AP, Budrys N, et al. Br Can Res Treat. 2013 Oct;141(3):495–505