Phosphorus Somaplex No. 10 by Marco Pharma 1 fl oz (29.5)
This ionic solution contains Phosphorus as Phosphoric acid.
Phosphorus is primarily present in:
Teeth, bones, muscles.
Phosphorus has an effect on:
Cell growth, pH balance, fat and carbohydrate metabolism, formation of bones and teeth.
Phosphorus imbalance can relate to:
Arthritis, exhaustion, respiratory disorders, impairment of the skeletal system, rickets.
20 drops on the tongue, in water, or rubbed onto the inside of the elbow, twice daily before or between meals.
Half of the adult amount.
PHOSPHORUS should be considered in the presence of:
Sudeck's atrophy, nervous conditions, osteomalacia, exhaustion following infections
*This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease