Bio-Enhanced® R-Lipoic Acid vegetarian caps.
Unsurpassed stability and absorption.
GeroNova’s Bio-Enhanced R-Lipoic Acid in the form of Na RALA has demonstrated superior bio-availability, stability and potency.
The primary benefit of the completely water-soluble salt is that high blood and tissue levels can be achieved rapidly. Bio-Enhanced R-Lipoic Acid may deliver all the health benefits of lipoic acid: antioxidant protection and efficient energy production, and may result in an increased sense of well-being and improved health-span for regular consumers.*
GeroNova’s proprietary stabilization process converts the biologically active, natural “R” form of lipoic acid to sodium-R-lipoic acid (Na RALA), which, in a recent human study achieved 40 times higher peak blood levels than pure R-lipoic acid.