An authentic blend of Ayurvedic and Western herbs and nutrients which provide pancreatic support, aids in the digestion of sugar and helps to maintain healthy blood glucose levels.
Key Ingredients:
Accompanying Ingredients:
Suggested Use:
Adults: 2 capsules with lunch and with dinner. For prevention, take 1 capsule twice daily.
Children: 1/2 of the adult amount. Not intended for children age 6 and under.
Special Comments: We must address our patients’ illness as part of an integrated problem, which requires treatment of parallel stress to other body organs and functions while at the same time attempting to master blood sugar levels. In cases of diabetes mellitus, add RUBUS No. 18 and NEMABASE (3 tablets morning and night.). It is essential to include protein in the breakfast meal to prevent symptoms of hypoglycemia. Diabetic patients do not die of high blood sugar, but rather a wide range of side effects from damaged kidneys, elevated blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, arthritis, glaucoma, and gangrene. Clinical observations show that most diabetics are deficient in magnesium, therefore Marco Mag should be considered.
In addition, RUBUS NO. 18 and NEMABASE (3 tablets morning and night) can be added. It is important to include protein in the breakfast meal to prevent symptoms of hypoglycemia. MARCOZYME is helpful for compromised protein digestion. Diabetic patients do not die of high blood sugar, but rather a wide range of side effects from damaged kidneys, elevated blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, arthritis, glaucoma, and gangrene.
*These statements have not been evaluated be the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.