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Hepafem 60 caps by Vitanica

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Hepafem 60 caps by Vitanica
Hepafem 60 caps by Vitanica
Hepafem 60 caps by Vitanica
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Hepafem from Vitanica is an herbal dietary supplement designed to support thorough detoxification of the liver. This organ is responsible for such essential bodily functions as blood purification and the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Vitanica has created the Hepafem formula using a variety of traditional herbs proven effective as cleansing agents, including dandelion, burdock, milk thistle, celandine, beet root and fringe tree. This is an excellent supplement choice for helping move harmful toxins into the intestines for prompt elimination in order to increase vitality.

Individuals who take Hepafem by Vitanica on a daily basis as directed can expect to enjoy a variety of significant health benefits:

  • Supports proper liver detoxification.
  • Supports cleansing of the bloodstream from harmful toxins.
  • Enhances the flow of bile to facilitate the release of harmful toxins through the intestines.
  • Helps to increase overall energy.
Serving size 2 capsules
Servings per container 30

Amount per serving:
Burdock root - Arctium lappa 300 mg
Dandelion root - Taraxacum officinale 300 mg
Milk thistle seed extract (80% silymarin) 100 mg
Celandine leaf - Chelidonium majus 100 mg
Fringe tree bark - Chionanthus virginicus 100 mg
Beet root - Beta vulgaris 100 mg

Other ingredients:
NP capsule (pullulan and water), cellulose, silicon dioxide, and L-leucine.
Suitable for vegetarians * These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. ♱ Claims based on traditional homeopathic practice, not accepted medical evidence. Not FDA evaluated.

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