GAMT is a methyltransferase enzyme that converts guanidoacetate to creatine, using S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe) as the methyl donor. Creatine is an essential methyl-conserving nitrogenous biological molecule that helps supply energy to cells throughout the body, particularly muscle cells. Those with GAMT single nucleotide polymorphism(s) (SNP), deficiencies in GAMT cofactors, or impaired gene function may experience neurologic impairment, fatigue, muscular weakness and hypotonia, due to creatine deficiency and accumulation of guanidinoacetate. Creatine is a “methyl-conserving” nutrient and so it can be given to free up methyl groups when low methylation is suspected. If high creatine is noted on laboratory assessment or a history of kidney disease occurs it is not advised to use this product.
Supplement Facts
Serving Size: 2 Capsules
(Monohydrate) 1000mg
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration(FDA). These products are not meant to diagnose, treat, or cure any diseases or medical condition.