D3-5 5000 IU by Bio-Tech supplements the natural vitamin D in the body. Vitamin D can be consumed in the diet or synthesized through the sun’s UVB rays on the skin. This fat soluble vitamin is essential in that it aids in bone health and helps the body balance its calcium levels. It also enhances the wound healing process, strengthens the immune system, supports a healthy cardiovascular system, and decreases the risk of osteoporosis. D3-5 5000 IU by Bio-Tech can help reduce the symptoms of some skin conditions such as psoriasis and scleroderma. People with hyperparathyroidism and kidney disease can decrease bone loss with D3-5 5000 IU by Bio-Tech.
In addition, D3-5 5000 IU by Bio-Tech has the following uses and benefits:
• Improving bone strength and density and decreasing the risk of osteoporosis
• Improving cardiovascular health
• Decreasing muscle weakness
• Help with proper cell growth and development
• Strengthening the immune system