RIBOSE D-Ribose 450 gms by Ecological Formulas is a dietary supplement containing a naturally-occurring monosaccarride needed by the body to perform a number of metabolic processes that are essential to good heart health. Because D-Ribose helps to replenish and build new ATP (adenosine triphosphate) in the body, taking a high-quality supplement to ensure enough reserves of D-Ribose is very beneficial for people who have experienced congenital heart failure or have other heart condition issues.
This easy to use powder form can be mixed with water or juice in order to promote better heart health. D-Ribose is directly responsible for helping to rejuvenate heart cell muscles that have become damaged when blood flow to the heart has been obstructed. Clinical studies have shown that D-Ribose has a powerful effect in helping to protect vulnerable heart muscle after it has been stressed by a blood flow stoppage, which is then immediately followed by a sudden in-flow of oxygen-rich blood supply again.
Because low ATP levels can delay recovery following surgery, taking D-Ribose 450 gms is a proactive way to improve heart muscle as part of a cardiac rejuvenation program. Supplying the body with sufficient D-Ribose has been shown to significantly improve the heart's ability to pump blood again following a heart attack by improving this organ's ventricular functions. With improved blood-pumping capabilities, heart attack patients can enjoy increased activity levels thanks to improved heart muscle function enabled by D-Ribose supplements.
Supplement Facts