Support digestive function, nutrient absorption, energy production, and immunity with CT-Zyme.* This proprietary blend of 11 digestive enzymes – including bromelain, cellulase, amylase, and beta glucanase — assist the body in digesting high-fiber and nutrient dense foods, such as beans, fruit, grains, lentils, and vegetables.*
Each enzyme in CT-Zyme functions at a specific pH, which makes the enzymes effective at every stage of digestion as it passes through the gastrointestinal tract.
When taken with meals, CT-Zyme acts as a digestive enzyme. When taken 1-2 hours away from food, it acts as a proteolytic enzyme.
Carbon Technology is a proprietary blend of fulvic acids and polysaccharides that support cellular repair and the body’s natural ability to detoxify.* With a low pH, Carbon Technology also helps protect ingredients from being digested by stomach acid, so that they remain intact as they enter the desired location in the body.
Bloating, gas, and stomach discomfort are potential side effects with taking CT-Zyme. If this occurs, reduce dosage to sensitive or half of a sensitive dose and work back up to the standard dose.
CT-Zyme can be taken with or without food– but the time of day that you take it will slightly change its function. If you experience digestive symptoms during and after meals, you can take CT-Zyme with food for enhanced digestive support.*
If you take CT-Zyme away from meals, it will function as a proteolytic enzyme, which not only aids in protein digestion, but offers additional immune and detox support.*
Yes. Fungal amylase, an ingredient in CT-Zyme, may interact with pharmaceuticals Acarbose and Miglitol which are drugs used to treat type II diabetes. Take CT-Zyme two hours away from any prescribed medications or supplements.
-Don’t take if you have had a stroke in the last 30 days
-Consult a healthcare practitioner if you are on immunosuppressants before taking this product
-High amount of uric acid in the blood
-Crohn’s disease
-Inadequate absorption of nutrients due to a short bowel
-Stomach or intestinal tract operation
*FDA Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.