The 5 Principles of Functional Medicine
Functional medicine is a different approach to healing than you may be used to. If you go to the doctor for an illness, you most likely expect a doctor to examine you and prescribe you with a medication. However, with functional medicine, doctors prefer to find new ways to treat your illness rather than prescribing medications that will cover up the symptoms. In today’s post, we will look at the five principles of functional medicine to give you a better understanding of how it is used.
At Clinical Nutrition Centers, we are firm believers in functional medicine and finding ways to treat illness and give you the best quality of life. Whether you’re looking for ways to improve your personal health and wellness, or you’re more interested in finding a cure for an ailment, our doctor at Clinical Nutrition Centers can help! We offer a variety of supplements and natural treatments, as well as body scanning that can help us understand what is going on inside your body. If you would like to learn more about functional medicine, browse our website or contact Clinical Nutrition Centers to schedule an appointment with our doctor today!
You are Viewed as Unique
With traditional medicine, there are typically one or two treatments that can be prescribed for each illness. If you come in with pneumonia, you will be prescribed an antibiotic. The doctors don’t take into consideration your unique body and how to treat it. Functional medicine is different. Instead of putting you into a one-size-fits-all category, you receive personalized health care that is designed to treat you as an individual. Traditional medicines attack the disease, but with functional medicine, the natural treatments work to provide aid to the healing mechanisms already in place within your body.
Functional Medicine is Based on Science
Many people are under the impression that functional medicine is not based on facts. However, the opposite is true. Research has shown that your body is a network of related systems, and functional medicine focuses on the interworking relationships in your body. All of the networks within your body rely on each other. If one process is disrupted, it causes a chain reaction that leads to other malfunctions. The goal of functional medicine is to understand the root cause of your illness, because healing the root cause will help to fix the related, malfunctioning systems.
Your Body is Intelligent
Your body knows what it needs in order to remain healthy, and functional medicine is about reading the signs and giving your body what it needs to maintain your personal health and wellness. For example, if you are dehydrated, there are a myriad of symptoms that can occur, including extreme thirst or a headache. Instead of covering up the symptoms with a pain-killer, providing your body with water will help to alleviate the problem altogether. In this example, treating the symptoms with a pain-killer acts as a method used with traditional medicine. Drinking water, on the other hand, solves the problem at the root cause.
Your Body has the Ability to Heal
When given the right tools and information, your body has the ability to heal itself. As we mentioned above, functional medicine involves finding the root cause of the problem. If there is a malfunction in one system, it will be difficult for your body to heal itself. If you give your body the right natural treatments, in the right doses, at the right time, your body has the ability to bounce back and heal. By finding the treatment for the “broken” system, your body will naturally be able to heal the other systems that are affected.
Experience Good Health
Being healthy doesn’t just mean that you are free of disease, it also means that you are strong, active, and full of life. With functional medicine, being healthy means that all of the interworking systems in your body are functioning without fail and that your body is in good working condition.
With help from Clinical Nutrition Centers, you can live your life feeling healthy. Our goal is to give you the right tools to help you in your health and wellness management. When you work with us, we won’t prescribe you medicines that will cover up the symptoms. Instead, we will give you the personalized attention that you deserve to help you treat the cause of your illness. If you are interested in learning more about functional medicine or you think you could benefit from our natural treatments, then contact Clinical Nutrition Centers today.