TUDCA (Tauroursodeoxycholic acid) is a water-soluble bile acid and liver helper. It's present in small amounts in your bile, which is produced by your liver. TUDCA helps stimulate the release of bile into your gut and detox a whole range of potentially harmful substances, including those generated during metabolic processes and contaminants from your food and the environment. stimulate the release of bile into your gut and detox a whole range of potentially harmful substances, including those generated during metabolic processes and contaminants from your food and the environment.
This vital component of liver bile helps to break down fats and aids in regulating glucose levels. TUDCA works to establish better gut health by reducing the inflammation in the GI tract that can contribute to leaky gut syndrome. The microbes in the gut are also a benefactor of TUDCA, as it can help with biodiversity.
TUDCA can also help to safeguard your cells from the damage that can be a result of heavy metal toxicity. It helps to reduce cellular stress and protect DNA.
NAC is a form of the amino acid cysteine and has long been associated with protecting the liver. It is a precursor to glutathione, your body’s master antioxidant. It can help “recycle” other antioxidants, and helps to reduce oxidative stress in the liver, but systematically as well. Studies suggest that it may provide an extra layer of protection from viruses.
This natural hormone is often related to sleep but has a long list of benefits in the body. It can help normalize gut movement and can help inhibit bad microbes from multiplying in the GI tract. It is vital for brain health, and immune system regulation.
Melatonin can help upregulate detoxification and also encourages the production of your natural production of antioxidants. This can help protect cells from the effects of heavy metal toxicity and other chemicals.
Melatonin can also help lower blood glucose levels and may increase cardiovascular health.
Our products use long- and short-chain BioActive Carbon molecules, which have the ability to support life. These BioActive Carbon molecules are extracts of humic and fulvic acids and are designed to work systematically in the body. These molecules bind with toxins in the body and, in addition to chelating them, leverage their ability to support life by repairing as they chelate.
Our BioActive Carbon molecules undergo a three-step proprietary process in which other molecules are attached to enhance their overall efficacy and ability to support the body as it removes biotoxins. These processes ensure that the molecules and their beneficial elements get where they need to go in the body without dissipation or loss of efficacy on the journey.
In short, BioActive Carbon is included because it binds, restores directs and protects.
Standard: Take one capsule two times daily or as otherwise directed by a healthcare practitioner.
Aggressive: Take up to two capsules two times daily or as otherwise directed by your healthcare practitioner.
Sensitive: Reduce dosage to one capsule once daily with food.
Toddler (Under 50 lbs.); Take one-half capsule twice daily in the morning and evening with food.
Child (Between 50 - 125 lbs): Take one capsule twice daily.
Yes, make sure to keep all of our products 2 hours away from prescription medication to ensure no interactions between our products and the prescription.
For other supplements keep the Para 1 and Para 2 an hour away, the rest of our supplements are safe to take with other supplements
The melatonin in TUDCA Plus is used as a driver to push the product deeper into the system to maximize effectiveness without affecting established sleep patterns.
TUDCA Plus is not sourced from bear or bull bile.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These products are not meant to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease or medical condition
Start laying the foundation for true detox.
True detox starts with open drainage pathways. Promote healthy digestion to properly drain and remove unwanted substances.
Harness the power of Carbon Technology to deliver essential minerals and lay a better foundation for cellular energy production. Energy is required for good drainage.
Give the body's natural filtration systems a helping hand. Support your detox organs, including your kidneys and liver, and begin to ease their toxic burden.
Scrub the gut and support immune function.
Some pathogens can impair your digestion and immune function. Use plant-based ingredients to help “scrub out” these unwanted critters and common intestinal buildup.
Promote healthy energy levels by supporting your mitochondria—your body’s cellular energy powerhouses.
Your gut plays a big role in overall wellness. Gently nurture the gut’s natural, healthy balance of bacteria and other microbes.
Dive deeper into detox.
Support your body’s natural ability to address occasional, mild immune system challenges and common environmental contaminants.
Support systemic detox with Carbon Technology. Move past the gut to pull and remove toxins throughout the body.
Get ready to dive deeper into detox. Nurture the body’s natural detoxification of mild environmental exposures and other unwanted elements.
Tackle leftover, lingering toxins.
With Carbon Technology, bind and remove unwanted elements, including elemental toxins, man-made contaminants, and mild environmental exposures.
Some toxins like to hide deep within the body. Target these lingering toxins that have stood in the way of optimal health and vibrant living.
The body was made to work well. Move forward, free of toxins that once burdened your body, and embrace wellness.
Prepare the body for a successful true detox experience.
Provide the body with the help it needs to maintain healthy liver and intestinal drainage. Keep unwanted elements moving easily out of the body.
Harness the power of BioActive Carbon to nurture the mitochondria — the cellular energy powerhouses. Energy is required for good drainage.
Give the body's natural filtration systems a helping hand. Bind unwanted elements and byproducts to maintain well-being on the journey.
Support the immune system and remove intestinal residue.
Support the gut’s regular “housecleaning” functions. Use plant-based ingredients to help “scrub out” unwanted materials and common intestinal buildup.
Continue assisting the body’s routine elimination of toxins. That includes supporting kidney and liver drainage by taking natural plant compounds.
Build momentum for a deeper detox.
Build on the solid groundwork you have established. Ramp up efforts to support healthy immune system balance and function.
Support normal, systemic detox with BioActive Carbon. With an ability to travel beyond the gut, this is the game-changer your protocol needs.
Get ready to go deeper in the journey. Nurture the body’s natural detoxification of mild environmental exposures to unwanted elements.
Address lingering, everyday toxins from head to toe.
Peel away the layers that have stood in the way of optimal health and vibrant living. Turn the tables on everyday toxicity and go deeper.
Support the body’s routine detoxification from mild environmental exposures to elemental toxins and man-made contaminants.
The body was made to work well. Enjoy the fruits of efforts to support the body’s healthy detoxification and favorable performance.
Conquer long-standing challenges and optimize wellness.
Fortify the immune system’s natural ability to handle foreign invaders. Support the cleanup of unwanted microbial factors.
Promote immune cell activity deep within the body, such as in the joints, organs, and nervous system. Get to the root of stubborn issues.
Nurture the body’s normal health-promoting functions. Provide what’s needed to help preserve optimal well-being over the long term.
The above 1 dropperful dosages for IS-BORR, IS-BART, IS-BAB, and IS-BOOST are starting dosages. For each of these products, work toward 10 droppersful twice daily until one bottle is gone. This upper dosage may not be reached before the bottle is gone, which is OK. One dropperful (approximately ¼ teaspoon) means squeezing the top bulb fully once and letting the tincture be drawn in.
Noticed pain in liver subsiding and brown spots on skin fading after using this product for several months.