Adenosyl-Cobalamin B12 Assist 60 DR Capsules ( Delayed Release Capsules)
The methylation process happens about 80 billion times per second, and is responsible for turning on and off most functions. It’s also responsible for DNA repair. As you may know, methionine turns into Homocysteine as it donates a methyl group, and the methylation process turns Homocysteine in glutathione and SAMe, which then converts to serotonin and dopamine.
For those with MTR and MTRR variants, they may have difficuly turning homocysteine into Methionine.
If there is inadequate B12, a condition called “Methyl Trapping” can occur. This could in part be due to MTRR. Consequently, before the methylation process is begun, it is often advantageous to start with some B12. Since B12 can be difficult to absorb through the digestive system, a lozenge is often an effective delivery mechanism. Sometimes starting with a Methyl B12 product may create some extreme tiredness or fatigue problems so the best way to address B12 concerns is to use Adenosyl-Cobalamin or Hydroxo-Cobalamin (Hydroxy-Cobalamin) B12 types due to the genetric errors that rarely but can exist in people.