Acetyl-Glutathione by Allergy Research Group is a dietary supplement comprised of just one ingredient. It is designed to protect the cells of the body by naturally increasing the levels of glutathione, an antioxidant. It is believed to aid overall healthy by fighting off harmful free radicals that would otherwise wreak havoc on the body’s internal components.
Glutathione is an essential substance in the body and is naturally produced by the liver. It can also be found in vegetables, meats and fruits. It is involved in many processes, including repairing and building tissue, manufacturing proteins and chemicals needed by the body and bolstering the immune system. As the body ages and is introduced to more pollutants and stress, the body’s natural production of glutathione can decrease. Deficiency can be indicated by mild fatigue.
Because it is a part of the liver’s processes, it is able to attach to toxins, aiding in the body’s ability to clean itself out. Users generally take it to possibly help with glaucoma, cataracts, asthma, heart disease, liver disease, hepatitis, Alzheimer’s, memory loss, Parkinson’s and osteoarthritis. Due to its positive effect on the immune system, many take it to keep the body functioning well.